

My name is Inoue.K.
I'm from Fukuoka.
I'm 21 years old.

I belong to engineering department at Kumamoto University and major in computer science & electrotechnology .

I want to be a systems engineer.
So far I learn many thing  to be a systems engineer.
But it is not enough.
There is a lot of things to learn to be a systems engineer.

English is one of things to learn to be a system engineer.
Because there is a lot of literature written by english in my major .

I'm not good at English and want to overcome it.
So I applied for this lecture.


4 件のコメント:

  1. I belong to engineering department of Kumamoto.univ and major in computer science & electrotechnology . >
    I belong to the engineering department at Kumamoto University and I major in computer science & electrotechnology.

  2. I want to be SE. >
    I want to be a systems engineer.

  3. I'm also bad English skill.

  4. I hope you will be a systems engineer!
